Vision and Values
St Monica Trust
The St Monica Trust is nationally recognised for its pioneering and award-winning work in the care industry. Keen to refresh the Trust’s values, the Executive Team asked us to find a way to communicate these to residents, staff, volunteers and trustees through a Vision and Values campaign. This was launched during the Trust’s Founders Week in June 2017 and used for a range of print and digital marketing materials for the months that followed.

People are at the heart of everything that the St Monica Trust does so we decided that individuals would create the branding for this campaign. Using this as our starting point we suggested using an artist to create drawings of members of the Trust. We organised drawing days for each of the St Monica Trust retirement communities in the run up to Founders Week so local illustrator Carys Tait could capture people on paper. These drew people together and created a sense of fun for the campaign’s soft launch.

A big drawing wall was used as a backdrop and introduced the values to everyone attending. It was also used to present all the illustrations at the end of the day. Life-size standees using Carys’ illustrations of real members of the community helped draw attention to the events.

A pattern was then made up of the drawings to create a consistent background unifying all the Vision and Values communications. We designed A5 booklets incorporating the illustrations from the drawing days along with case studies from residents. Line Managers launched the new values in their communities using this booklet (see main picture) and ‘pledge’ style cards during Founders Week.

A1 prints were created for each retirement village, using the illustrations and values. These were block printed onto MDF and put up in receptions areas. The values branding also formed the basis of the revised Code of Conduct which was launched across the Trust in early 2018. It has also been used for social media campaigns since its launch.

The illustrations were used to create a video incorporating key values which was shown at the St Monica Trust AGM during Founders Week and used for social media marketing (see below).
The Vision and Values campaign has been about including everyone. Since its launch the St Monica Trust have told us the ‘we are’ rally call has emphasised a feeling of togetherness and of one big family (a term often used in staff surveys). The illustrations have given their values personality and meaning:
“The organisation has been able to match ‘real’ people and stories to the values, and the illustrations have pulled all of this together even better than the Trust initially envisaged.”
– Naomi Stone, HR Manager, St Monica Trust