Sustainability Infographics
University of Bristol
The Dirty Truth poster
From posters and leaflets to motion graphics we’ve created a range of infographic designs for the University of Bristol’s Sustainability Department. When it comes to behavioural change graphic design can make a big impact. The Dirty Truth (below) was an important campaign to encourage students to recycle, use sustainable transport, save energy and more.

Sustainability Highlights (digital and print)
Infographics have also helped the Sustainability Department communicate important achievements in print and digital communications. The bitesize nature of these has been the perfect way to share statistics with staff and students.

Some of these elements were transformed into motion graphics so they could be used on the University of Bristol website. The graphics were also used on social media – a great way to inject a bit of life into facts and figures.

Biosciences Infographic
Our infographic for the Biosciences Department illustrates statistics on pollination in city environments. This is the first research of its kind examining all types of land in cities, identifying favourite flowers and locations for pollinators. The infographic was used by the department to submit their finding to the international research journal Nature Ecology and Evolution. The University’s research was also featured in The Guardian.

Student Tuition Fees infographics
As well as focussing on sustainability we’ve also created infographics on other topics for the University. The following designs show how tuition fees are used and were shared on the University of Bristol’s website.

Take a look at some of our other work for the University of Bristol.