CELFS wall graphics
University of Bristol
The Centre for English Language and Foundation Studies (CELFS) at the University of Bristol, wanted to liven up their refurbished lobby area with the use of wall graphics. We created some bold typographic designs using quotes chosen by CELFS staff and taken from the likes of E.M. Forster and Federico Fellini.

Three of the famous quotes were wrapped around pillars in bright eye-catching colours while three wall vinyls were created in a more subtle tone; these occupy large spaces on either side of the reception area as well as the stairwell leading up to the first floor. We also designed a large wallpaper graphic of a geometric world map to sit behind the reception desk; this highlights the international character of the centre, which boasts students from Hong Kong to Uzbekistan and beyond.

Metal lettering displaying the CELFS acronym is also due to be installed at some time in the future. The graphics really make a statement about the department, highlighting the power of language and words.