Stroke Services Proposal
The Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucester Clinical Commissioning Group of the NHS are changing the way that Stroke services run in their local areas. They asked us to create an animation outlining their proposal in the same friendly style as their successful Flu campaign earlier this year.
We were tasked with creating two animations – a shorter, more engaging version for use across social media and a 5-minute version that goes into the new proposal in more depth. The visuals are in keeping with the NHS brand in the same bouncy style with a range of dynamic transitions and characters, we have also provided subtitles for each animation which will later be changed as the videos are translated and shared.
The proposal animation is part of a much larger collection of communications that will be released later on, if you would like to know more about the campaign, go to the NHS website. In addition to campaigns we have also designed the NHS BNSSG CCG annual reviews.