Senate House Welcome Walls
University of Bristol
Senate House, the University of Bristol’s former administrative centre, is currently being reorganised and transformed into a space where students can connect and take time out. This is part of a wider University project to create more space for students and staff to work, meet and relax. Keen to brighten up the building (which dates back to the 1950s) the University wanted us to design content for the walls to make it feel more like a student space.

Inspired by the idea of portraits on the stairs at Harry Potter’s Hogwarts we decided to use this approach for the Welcome Walls at Senate House. Collaborating with photographer Jim Johnston, we had photographs taken of students at the University’s Fresher’s Fair this autumn. The snapshots were then used as portraits for the stairwell walls between the building’s four floors.

Some of the frames were created using graphic elements in black vinyl. These lightly reference University branding and were sealed to the wall. We also designed 3D frames made from painted plywood, while the photographs were created using temporary vinyl. This means they can be peeled off and replaced so new pictures can be added each year. Across student spaces, the University are now working to ensure designs are made by students, involve students or are inspired by students.

The changes to Senate House include a post-graduate research hub on the second floor and a Bristol SU Living Room on the fourth floor of Senate House. The Living Room is part of an international movement with a mission to combat social isolation and encourage positive wellbeing. University research found that 1 in 4 students are stressed about isolation. There are now five student Living Rooms across the campus to create supportive student hubs.

The Welcome Walls were launched on Monday, 2 December celebrating the one-year anniversary of the Living Room at Senate House. As part of the larger transformation, a large food court is being built along with a new information point, Bristol SU café, bar and dining room. The refurbishment of Senate House should be complete by 2020.
Take a look at the Indoor Sports Centre to see more of our designs for student spaces.
Read more about Bristol SU Living Room.
All photographs copyright of Jim Johnston.